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I ❤️ Geranium Oil

Sarah Santa Cruz. Signature Facial Treatments Mallorca, Spain

My love affair with geranium oil started when I was in my first job. Mary used to come in every week for her aromatherapy massage with me.

I used to start my consultation as usual checking how she felt, wanted to feel during and after her treatment. No matter what she told me, I always seemed to end up with a blend that contained geranium among a blend of two other essential oils.

It's just one of those oils that has so many positive benefits, especially for women, and it just works. Some of the many benefits include balancing hormones, relives stress, reduces depression, it is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

I have to say my favorite benefit is that is a natural antioxidant and helps protect the skin from harmful free radicals, making it the perfect addition to my specially blended facial oil used in my SIGNATURE FACIAL.

To learn more about my Signature Facial Treatment, please click here.

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